A Segment Too Far

Audience segmentation is a fundamental to any brand or service. If you try to be something to everyone, you will be nothing to anyone. And good segmentation allows brave and bold communication as it unearths interesting insight into what makes a specific audience tick. You can clearly segment any market in any number of ways. Attitudinal segmentations are…

Can Trump Teach Us Anything?

Unless you’re of a certain mindset, it’s highly unfashionable to admire anything about Donald Trump. His list of “…ists” grows daily. Whilst we can take from him a whole lot of stuff around how not to behave if you want to be a decent human being, is there anything that he can possibly teach us? We suggest…

The Last 5 Yards

From extensive work in the alcoholic drink sector, Brand Edge can safely say that most research conducted in alcoholic drinks asks the wrong questions. Research generally focuses on creating and measuring criteria linked to brand preference. Yet despite the many millions spent of marketing, in the eyes of drinkers, most alcohol brands are pretty interchangeable. The…

Different, But Not Different Good

We all get why delivering communication content framed within an engaging idea will make that communication more interesting, memorable and ultimately effective.   The interesting debate has always been around what constitutes an engaging idea. A couple of recent campaigns have received a lot of coverage with some pretty polarised opinions and some commentators asking us…

Be Famous For Something

There’s something quite odd going on in casual dining. Industry data paints a picture of sector growth, yet we’re constantly reading about businesses falling by the wayside (Prezzo, Jamie’s Italian, Byron.) Clearly there are a lot of “macro” factors at play but, in our view, the failures have often (ironically) been driven by too casual…